Monday, September 15, 2008

What Might Have Been

I'm in such a weird mood right now. A question was asked recently and it's just made think of things I hadn't thought about in a long time.

I guess we all have our "What If" of "What Might Have Been" scenario. I just hadn't thought about mine in a very, very long time.

So these thoughts have been fluttering around in my head for days. And then last night I found Him on Myspace. He looks the same. The time has not changed him. His face is the same. His smile is the same.
He is listed as single, yet when I saw pictures of him with various different girls I couldn't help the stab of jealousy I felt. (And how crazy is that?) But the other part of me knows that's just one more thing that hasn't changed. Girls and women alike have always loved him.

My memories of us together have been flooding my mind. They are so faded now and that makes me so sad. I wish had more.

And then there are the What Might Have Been scenarios. What if it had been him? What would I be? Where would we be? Would we have lasted? Or was I right? Was I right to run when I did?

I know I'm where I'm supposed to be. I love my husband with all my heart, there's no doubt to that. But in our parallel universe, the one where I stayed, what happened? Would we have been as happy as we were then? Would he just have broken my heart instead of the other way around? Would we have stayed together? Gotten married? Had kids?

Does he ever think of me? Does he wonder? Does he think of what might have been?

Will I always wonder?


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