Monday, September 22, 2008

Nine West They Are Not


We bought the kids their very first pair of shoes today.

(And okay, since people are freaking out about this...they've never had shoes before because when they were born it was cold and they lived in footed outfits/sleepers. Then it got hot. And they were barefoot. From every thing Dr. Bubba and all my books have said, barefoot is best, so I went with that. No. They have never worn shoes. I do not believe I've damaged them in any way. They still will not wear shoes in the house. I don't. I won't expect them to. Barefoot is not bad. K?!)

They are very cute. But I was not prepared for the expense. I got two $5 off coupons in the mail for Stride Rite. I knew that they were supposed to have great shoes for early walkers and babies. So off we (me and Kourtney) went. Well, actually first we went to Rack Room just in case they had decent baby shoes. I did have a hunch they might be cheaper. They did have some adorable walking Keds, but they didn't seem to fit the babies feet very well. The sales lady said we should go to Stride Rite and have them measured and all that. I mentioned the coupons, and she said I'd probably find something much better for them there. So then off we went.

I did some very dumb. Something I still can't believe I did. I didn't look at the price before we bought them. I know. Stupid. I was so shocked when she rang me up and the total was $90. For two pairs of shoes and some socks. (I had to buy socks since I forgot to pack some.)

But they were also some of the only shoes they had that actually fit the kids. Jay's really a 3 wide, but we got a 3.5 because he's foot is so wide we couldn't close the velcro on the 3 wide. Yeah. Short, very fat feet he has. Rea was good in the 3. She has room to grow too. But since she's not as close to walking as Jay the extra room won't bother her as much. (If at all.)

These are Jay's new shoes:

And these are Rea's new shoes:

They are both from the Natural Motion line which is supposed to mimic walking barefoot pretty well. We'll see.

I was really surprised. They didn't seem to be bothered in the least by their shoes. We kept them on as we left the store and then went to dinner. Jay seems to stand and cruise very well in them so far.

And, before I forget, Jay is now standing alone. As in not holding on to anything. But then when he gets excited and starts to bounce, he usually ends up on his butt.

That's all for now. I'm off to read in bed.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay for Jay for standing!!! Very cool. Very cute shoes...I haven't even thought about shoes yet. Guess I should since it is getting a lot cooler out. sigh.