Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Job Details

Well, I went to the interview today.
And I still have very mixed feelings about this.

I wasn't offered the job yet (still more to interview), but know that I could do it with no problems.

My main concerns before the interview are still my main concerns. The hours will be challenging and the pay is not what I'd hoped for. But the title is good and there is potential for advancement with other companies just from the title alone. (Assistant Manager)

The hours:
It's a rotating shift. 4 months day shift, 4 months swing shift, 4 months graveyard. Days is 6am-2pm. Swing is 2pm-10pm. And Grave is 10pm-6am. And there would be 4 months of some weird split shift for covering days off.

It would mean hiring someone to come keep the kids in our house. (I wouldn't do a traditional day care for just 4 months and mess their routine up.) But for the months on day and grave shifts this cost would be minimum, which would be nice. (John works 4pm-Midnight-ish.) Also, it would be pretty set hours. Very rare to work over your shift.

The money:
Not gutter crap, but maybe sidewalk crap. I don't know. It would cover gas and child care and there would be a medium size bit leftover. (Depending I guess on the shift for that quarter.)

The pros:
Back in the hotel world, which I generally find fun. Also, while every system is property specific, they use LMS which I'm very familiar with. (Don't know if they are green screen or web-based though.)

I guess right now I'm leaning to NO. I'd like some time to see if something better comes along. But maybe if nothing does, we could make it work. What really gets me is the rotating shifts. I really hate that idea. Mostly because I hate the idea of overnight shifts.

I just don't know. I hate all this job crap. I wish it were more money. It might be a lot more worth it for more money.


In other news, I'm going out Friday night! wOOt!!

I'm going to see Sex and the City. One of my nurses is keeping the kids. I'm so excited! I'm not sure which show time we're going to yet. (I'll let Jayne- my nurse- tell me which would be best for her since she'll have the kids.) But if we go to the 8:30pm show then we may have a drink before the show.
(I've never had a martini. And I want one. Only I hate gin, so it'll be a vodka martini. With a twist.)

This will be the second time I've left the kids with someone. And it'll be the second time that they sounded truly excited about it.

And look at me! Asking for help twice in one month! Progress, baby, progress.

On that note, John just returned home with our Chunky Monkey.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Broken Friendship

It's been a long time coming. (Well, almost six months.) But it was a friendship I could not condone anymore. It had to come to an end.

So many reasons why it had to come to an end.
It wasn't natural.

I've thought about all the ways to end it for a while. There were so many options and it really needed to be the right one, ya know? There were traditional routes. There were new, edgier routes.

There would be a lot (for me) invested into the ending of this friendship so I didn't make the choice lightly.

I made it sexy.

Very Sexy to be exact.

My boobs and belly button are no longer friends, I'm very happy to report.
Today I became the proud owner of a Very Sexy bra from Victoria's Secret.

I LOVE it. I vaguely remember a time when my boobs were this high all on their own! (Somewhere around the time I went from a C to D, if memory serves. I went to a DD about 6 years ago. So it's been a long time.) And it gets all that boob from under your arm and puts it with the rest of your boob! And they are all high and perky looking. My nipples look ahead to the future now.

I was always told that because I was 'heavy chested' that I need a full coverage bra. A bra with a hundred hooks for support. (A.K.A.- the Granny Bra) I listened to this for far too many years once I surpassed that 'C' marker. 18 Hour here I come! That was me.

Well, frankly, I was sick to death of having torpedo boobs rather than nice rounded boobs.

Don't get me wrong- I've braved the world of push-up before for a few certain shirts or dresses. But those were not every day bras. Those were 'special occasion' bras.

Now I have an everyday bra that I'm not embarrassed of!

I love my boobs in this bra. As soon as I can, I'll be buying at least 2 more. (I bought it in black. Now I'll need a white and a nude one.)

Yay Very Sexy Boobs!!!!


Monday, May 26, 2008

More Details

I’m going to try this in Word and then copy/paste. I’m still pissed that the entry from before is invisible. (Or most of it anyway.)

Okay, so the details…

I got called back for the assistant front office manager position at a casino. (Not the one I worked at before and the one John still works at.) The manager is the one who called and she did seem nice.

I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, we really need me to go back to work because of money issues. (The sale of the condo was the reason we could afford for me to stay home a few years. The condo, as we know, has not sold.) On the other hand, at this point it has to be worth it for me to go back to work. Meaning child care costs and gas to and from work. Obviously we can’t afford for me to go to work if it doesn’t cover these expenses plus bring in a bit extra.

I’m excited that I was ‘worthy’ enough for an interview. That makes me feel good. I think I’m excited at the prospect of going back into the world. I think I miss working.
But it did bring on tears at the thought of leaving my babies. It’s really hard to think about.

In a perfect world I would find a part-time job that paid through the nose and I’d only be away from the kids a little. I don’t think or really expect that to happen.

There are a lot of things to consider though- the hours, the flexibility (especially when kids get sick), days off, and the money.

I’m cautiously excited right now with a dab/touch of resentment that I’m in this place (having to look and think of work) to begin with.

That being said, I’m beginning to realize that it may be a very good thing indeed that kids are introduced to some form of child care now. (Not sure if we’d do a nanny or a child care center right now- depends on money and schedules.) Rea freaks out with other people. She’s not even 6 months old and has stranger/separation anxiety. No one else can feed them right now. I don’t think this is a great path for us to be heading down.

And I also realize that by working it would give me a break and in turn make me a better mommy.

I don’t know. I really have very (very) mixed feelings about it all. At this point I’ll just try not to over think everything. Go to the interview and get the information and then John and I can talk everything over and go from there.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Waking Up

Today has been a day for sure. It started last night when Frog woke up at 3am. Much earlier than normal, so I knew that it was going to be a 2 bottle night. Ugh. I know I shouldn't get frustrated, but I do. Especially since Monday night they went 12 hours with no wake-ups. I know they can do it. I know once should be enough. But Frog just can not (will not) settle himself down. He has to have a bottle to go back to sleep.

He has one or two more months of this left and then he'll just have to figure it out himself. (I will not be like Leah Remini with a 3 year-old who wakes 10+ times a night for a bottle.)

They are also on another nap strike. Naps have been much shorter than normal lately. I hear them 'talking' on the monitor and go up there and both are usually playing with their blankets or hands or feet. (I have to hang blankets around Frog's crib where his head is. Otherwise he'll just lay there and look around. Usually when he wakes up he yanks them down and starts chewing on them.)

The best news is that I finally found some size 3 Huggies Overnights. I hope they work! (And I realized that if they go all night with no wake-ups, he doesn't pee through.)

We actually went out to eat with them tonight (Logan's- so plenty noisy to cover fussy babies if need be) and they did pretty good. I think we're at the point where we can get them highchairs and let them look around. He's much happier if he doesn't feel confined and can see all around him.

We're also on the brink of getting their big car seats. On one hand I'm glad because carrying them in the infant seats is getting to be too much. But then getting them in and out of the house will be a huge pain in the ass now. I guess I'll use the stroller back and forth. (We don't have a garage.)

We bought their swimsuits yesterday. (Children's Place on sale! Hers was $8 and his was $7. Score!)

And I've been applying for jobs like crazy today. Two assistant front office manager jobs with different hotels. I do think I'd enjoy being back in the hotel business. One is downtown and I think that would be fun. It's a fairly large hotel too. (The other is at one of the casino. Yes, even though I said I was done with the gaming industry.)

There really was more I wanted to say. Can't think of it now though.


Saturday, May 17, 2008


Tonight was fantastic. There was incredible food to be had, much conversation, and probably too much wine. But I needed it and it was amazing.

The kids did fine. Rose actually thanked us for letting her keep them! (Though she did say she wasn't speaking to Jason because 'he's so rotten' and just wanted to look around when he should have been sleeping. Said, mind you, as she's kissing his face. *smiles* That's J.)

It's just after midnight. I'm going to change out of my new pretty (size medium) dress and wash my face. I'm going to crawl into bed (a little earlier than normal for me) and fall into a blissful sleep.

Tonight was great.


Friday, May 16, 2008


I just bought a dress in medium!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*puts down the tub of ice cream*

I'm so excited! I'm still not skinny by any means, and I've put back on some of the weight I've lost (about 5-10lbs), but in at least one dress style I can wear a medium! (That dress style would be a flowy empire waist and stretch fabric, but a medium is a medium is a medium.)

We're going out to dinner tomorrow to a very fancy place and I've been trying on things in my closet since last night. I thought a few things might work, but they look big and just not right. I decided that today was too beautiful to stay inside so the babes and I went out and about. I went to Kohl's because I've been looking for a pair of blue jean shorts for Frog. I found a cute pair for Silly at Wal-Mart but the smallest size they had in boy's was 12mth. (And the 'girl' pair have ruffled hems. If they were plain I would have bought him the same pair.) Well, they had the shorts for Frog, and the kids were still being very pleasant and happy to look around, so I skipped on over to the ladies section. They had a sale rack and I made a bee line for it. I ended up trying on 3 dresses (thank God for the handicap changing room- the stroller fit no problem) and picked the one I did partly because it was a size medium, but mostly because of the print. (Black with ivory circles all over.) I just thought that since that is now the 1 dressy thing I have it should be versatile. The other was black with large turquoise flowers all over.
(I just checked the website to see if I could post a picture and they don't have it on there. Oh well.)

Just one more time- Yay medium! Ok.

Daisy is gone to my parents' house. It was fun seeing them this afternoon. And I know Daisy will have a blast with my mom. And it gives Mom someone to take care of and spend the day with.

I thought there was more, but my mind is stuck in medium. Ha!


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

2 Years, 8 Months, 2 Weeks, and 2 Days

You know, it's odd sometimes. It's been almost 3 years since the hurricane. (2 years, 8 months, 2 weeks & 2 days.) But I still find things that are gone.
Tonight it was a movie. I know I had it. I went to watch it and it's gone. Then I really looked at our movie collection and realized that most all of our movies are gone. We were able to salvage a few of our DVDs, but only a handful of the ones we had.
It's weird to me. Sometimes I forget that all we have is a replacement of something lost or something new all together.

My books for example. None of the books that I have now are from before the hurricane. Except one. It was the one I packed when we left. But I spent a very long time replacing those books. I still have the picture I took of my bookcase (for inventory before a different hurricane) and at first I'd zoom in on that picture to cross check that I was replacing everything. I still have a few to get.

I'm always very thankful that we took all of our pictures and the computer (which means all digital pictures as well) but I still get sad when I remember something that's gone.

And it still happens a lot.
A week or so ago it was a shirt. Before that I think it was a pair of flip flops. It happens a lot with clothes and shoes. The only 'old' clothes I have are the clothes I packed before we left.

I don't go through the house in my mind as much. I've forgotten a lot actually. For a long time, I would remember what was in each drawer, in each closet, in each cabinet. I've forgotten most of the kitchen now. It's like memories slipping away.
I never want to forget my little house.

And I think that's why my fear of storms (tornadoes) has gotten worse since being up here. I'm so afraid of losing everything again. I just can't think of it.

Since the hurricane John tries to throw out as much as possible. He doesn't want to keep things. I find myself doing the exact opposite. I want to keep everything. And I usually try to stuff as much as possible in our safe when storms are coming through.

The hospital braclets. (Both from bed rest and delivery.) Their baby hats with 'A' and 'B' on them.

This isn't my home. My home was destroyed. My things were destroyed. And while I know they were just things, I miss them.
And I'm so scared of it happening again.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Wrong Genre

I've been feeling so blah today. I really haven't wanted to anything except stay in bed with a book.

Of course I didn't do that. Babies don't entertain themselves for very long. (Or at least mine don't.)
(Teething has quickly turned bad.)

Last night I watched P.S. I Love You, which for the record is billed as a romantic comedy. No. It's not. It's a tearjerker from the word go. I cried more in that movie than I have for any movie in a very long time. Mostly because I know I'm still slightly hormonal and I stay away from movies that make you cry.
(For what it's worth, the movie was good.)

Momma and Daddy are coming to visit Friday. I'm really excited about that. They haven't seen the kids in a few weeks, plus I'm sending Daisy home with them. (She needs come Crazy Nana time.) She's been in trouble pretty much all day. Her tail is going to stay tucked between her legs at the rate she's going. Her first offense was stealing toilet paper from the bathroom and shreading it everywhere. Then John sat his plate down on the end table for just a second and she stole a chip off of it. There was another toilet paper incident. This has been all day. And I know it's been because neither of us have felt like playing much today, but she should still know better. (And it's not like we never play. We play a lot.) So she'll go get lots of attention from my parents and come home completely spoiled and worn out. This works well for us. (Plus my parents get a real kick out of her.)

It's confirmed that we have a babysitter on Saturday night. Rose is going to watch the kids while John and I go out to diner with Kyle and Amanda. I'm so excited and so nervous all at the same time. I know they've been so cranky lately that I don't want them to just meltdown for Rose. Of course, I'll send them with Tylenol and teething tablets, but they still get cranky. Rea's been super clingy. Jay's just been very screamy. I did warn her though. And she seemed really excited to watch them. (Even after I warned of the teething.)
I was so nervous about calling her. I know she said that she wanted to babysit them, but I really do have a very (very) hard time asking for things. It was a huge weight lifted when she joked, "Can I come get them right now?" But she really did seem excited. Yay.

(On a side note- I wonder if it will ever get easier for me to ask others for help. At this rate, very doubtful.)

I really am looking forward to Saturday though. We're going to a super nice place and I just can't wait. I've decided since Rose won't let us doing anything for her for watching the kids, I'm going to order dessert and bring it back for her.

It's supposed to rain all day tomorrow. I'd love to have a nanny for the day so that I could just stay in bed and read all day long. (Or I'm ready for kids who'll like rainy days where you stay in your pajama's all day and watch movies.)

There was more I was going to say, but for life of me I can't remember. And John's grumbling from the kitchen so I better go see what's crawled up his butt.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

My First Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!!
(to me too!!!!! FINALLY!!!)

I guess it may be a little silly to be so excited about a day, but this day has brought me down too many times to count. Last year wasn't bad because I was pregnant, but this year. This year I am a mommy. I have those two little faces that smile at me every single morning. When someone new holds them, they look for me. When they hear my voice, they turn there head. As if to say, 'It's okay because our mommy is here.'

I can give them comfort by just holding them. They trust me. They depend on me. And I know they love me.

Right now Reagan is talking to herself in the mirror of the exersaucer and Jason is finally learning the Johnny Jump-Up.

They are so perfect to me. I waited so long for them.

And as much as I love them, I won't be spending the day with them today.

Because I'm going to the spa!!!!!! My husband rocks!!! He took the day off work and booked me at the spa there. He got with the spa manager and I'm getting the works. Ahhh. A full body massage. Pedicure. Whirlpool. Steam room. I think there's more but I don't remember. I tingle with excitement. I've never had a massage before.

Happy Mother's Day to me!!!


Pure Bliss

Pure bliss. That was my day today. Simple and pure bliss.

I was a little early for appointment, but they showed me around and I got my spa slippers and bathrobe. (Warm, might I add!) Then I lounged around until it was my turn.

John booked me for a Swedish massage. Since I know nothing about these things, I don't know how it differs from an ordinary massage, but it's my word again...bliss. The lights were low, the music softly playing in the background.
She even massaged my earlobes. I had no idea they did that! Oh, and my scalp! And my toes. Oh, and when she was done with my hands she put these warm beanbag type things on them! Ah. No seriously. Bliss. That was the fastest hour of my life. And I loved every nano second of it.

After that it was time for my Tropical pedicure. I picked a pink color for my toes because I usually always go with red, so I thought I'd be different. Again. Pure bliss. My feet were rubbed and soaked and then she used this salt scrub on them. Ahhh. It was amazing. Then I had to sit with a dryer on my feet and just relax.

Once all that was done it was time for the whirlpool, steam room, and sauna. I went to the sauna first. There I sat for 5 minutes before I decided was I just a little bored and mainly hot. So, I went next door to the steam room. There I sat for another 5 minutes. Then I decided I was a little more bored and hot and now damp. So off to the whirlpool I went. There were 3 to choose from. I felt like Goldilocks. The first was too cold. The second was mostly lukewarm. The third, however, was nice and hot. I turned the jets on and sat for 45 minutes. Again...bliss.

Then I decided to hit the shower. They provide everything for you- shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, deordorant- everything.
The shower I was in had 12 shower heads. I spent 20 minutes just playing with them. Adjusting the temp on each one and the position.
Say it with me...bliss.
The shampoo was amazing. Smelled just amazing and left my hair very soft and shiney.

After the longest shower I've had in over a year I'm sure, I got out and applied all the pretty smelling stuff they had. Then I dried my hair and finally had to take off my beloved robe. It was time to go home.

They got a kick out of me the entire time I was there. They knew it was my first time and how excited I was. They were all just fabulous. I loved it and would like to just move in there.

I got home and the kids were napping. When they woke up they ate their veggie and then had their bottle. I decided to go out and grab some dinner for us and rent a few movies. By the time I got back (went to two different places for dinner- I wanted a burrito and John wanted a sub) it was time for their evening cat nap. I seriously only spent about 45 minutes with the kids for the entire day.


(Not because I don't love being with them, but the break was much needed.)

I am loving this Mother's Day business!!


Friday, May 9, 2008

More Whirling

So, J's one tooth is about to have a buddy. The second tooth had one little pointy edge breaking through ealier. I gave him some Tylenol before bed in hopes he'll sleep a little better. I've also got 4 washcloths in the freezer waiting to be chewed on. (Wet the tip then freeze. I hear it works great.)

I also got some baby toothpaste and finger brushes. I was planning on starting to brush their gums when they were six months, but Jason decided to be a little early. They both thought it was fun. (I'm sure it felt good on Jay's sore gums.)

In other news....
One of the main reasons why I hate living here....(taken from








I want to move.

In other news, I somewhat ruined my Mother's Day surprise. In my defense, John usually misses these things or at most just does a card. Now, of course, I was hoping for something grand, but it's not something you can ask for.
I thought about driving to Momma and Daddy's on Sunday since Marsha and Brian will be there. I brought it up to John and he just got this look on his face and I knew. I started laughing and told him I really thought he'd get me a card and that would be it. He said that was his plan- for me to expect nothing. After I laughed about it for a few minutes he finally just said, "I'd really like for you to not leave the house Sunday."

I still have no idea what the surprise is, just that there is one. YAY!!!! I'm so excited. (I'm so glad he's making a big deal out of it.)

Alright. I guess I should go clear out the closet for tomorrow evening/night. Wee.

I need to move.'s a cool link before I go...Margaritaville Biloxi. *sigh* At least I get to look at home every now and then. I so want to move back. I miss it. Stupid fucking hurricane.

Okay. Now I'm done.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

(Dis)Ability Test

The kids are 5 months old today.

Today was a decent day. I went to Walmart and managed to forget most everything I needed and picked up several things I didn't need! Yay me!

Talked to Mom today. She had a meeting with a psychiatrist for her disability application. Apparently part of the process was that she had to trace a deer. She couldn't do it. I'm not sure what that means really. I know there was more to the appointment but she was a little upset and didn't want to get into it with me. I know there were other things she couldn't do. I just don't know what they were. I think the timing of this is unfortunate as today is the birth/death day of my brother as well.

I talked to Sis and Mom cried a little with her. She said that she's afraid she'll never know the kids.

What's so sad is that she's right.
I'm going to call her in the morning and try to get some things worked out for her doctor-wise. I know she won't remember to do them unless I call. I also suggested to her that she use Post-It notes to help her around the house.

She was also upset because Daddy told her not to cook dinner because he went out for lunch. She forgot and cooked a huge dinner for them. She did tell me that she knows she can't drive anywhere else without Daddy in the car. She gets confused too easily. She's fine around town, but anywhere else and she can't handle it.

I've said it before, and I know I'll say it a million more times, but this is just not right. Nothing about this is right. Makes me question so much. My mother is one of the best people I've ever known. It's just not right for this to happen to her.

I think I'll just cut it short and end there. I'm tired and don't feel like thinking anymore.


Monday, May 5, 2008

Living Up to Her Name

It was not intentional, but Rea does share the first name of the little girl possessed in The Exorcist, which also happens to be John's favorite movie.

Tonight she lived up to it. This past week their new veggie was green peas. Went over fairly well (the fave veggie is still sweet potatoes) and both have been eating with gusto lately. We got off our schedule ever so slightly today because of an outing that went too long. It ended up that their 'dinner' time and second to last bottle happened at the same time. (Usually I like to space them out by 30 or 45 minutes.) So they shared an entire jar of green peas and then both had a bottle. (Bottles are still 6oz, but this time I think they both took around 5oz.) I guess it was a little too much on Reagan's tummy. About 10 minutes after eating she was just talking away in the exersaucer and having a grand time. I left the room (Jason was in the Johnny Jump-up) to switch some laundry. I hear Rea whimper for a minute and then start talking again. I go back in the living room and there is green puke all over the exersaucer and her.


She was smiling though!

The outing that went long today was a trip to Babies R Us. Still in search of the perfect diaper bag. (I followed many suggestions yesterday- Thank you!!!- but I'm still leery of ordering one without 'testing' it out. This is mostly because one of my main issues is that I have narrow shoulders and have a hard time with bags that will stay put. Also, I'm short and don't want them to drag the ground should I want to carry it in my hand.) I ended up buying a set of bags (a large tote that comes with a matching smaller tote) that are black with silver/grey trim. I love the look, but somehow missed that there are no interior pockets. I'm a goof. Thankfully no tags have been removed and I'm thinking of returning it tomorrow. (Also, the whole set was $25- Score!! I told ya, I'm cheap!!) That being said, I discovered that the big diaper bag I have now does have stroller straps (been wondering what those were!lol) so I may use it for longer day trips when the stroller will be in use. Toys and extra chewies/loveys/binkies can be held there as well as bottles. So now what I'm really in the market for is a smaller tote (not too small- I still have two to tote for) that will hold 4 or so diapers, small wipe travel case, 2 bottles, formula container thing, my cell, wallet/cards, keys, and a burp rag or three.

And actually I found the two closest things yet to the Perfect Diaper Bag. One was great but looked like ass and the strap was a little too wide. The second had a wide strap too, but looked much better. I don't know. I'm too picky and I know this.

I haven't started taking the Lexapro yet. (Well, I took one pill then quit.) I'm just not sure if I really need it. I guess the fact that I question it means I don't. I think there would have been more benefit 2 or 3 months ago. Now that the kids and I are getting in the groove, it's much better. (The problem here is that I think it's almost too good a groove and they don't take a change to the routine well at all. Or at least Jay doesn't.) With the new and hopefully much easier to use stroller, I plan to get out once a day. Even if all we do is walk around Target or Walmart.

So I was at Target with the kids on Saturday and as I was walking in (Rea was in her carrier in the seat part of the buggy and I was wearing Jay in a carrier) I spotted a double stroller. Usually this is an older toddler with an infant, but I thought I saw two baby carriers. Mostly I notice it's a newer version of the Duo Glider (tandem stroller) that I hate so much.
I went straight to the baby section (big surprise) and start looking at- you guessed it!- diaper bags. From the corner of my eye I see the same stroller and I see the lady do a small double take. I half wonder if she'll say something. (Most comment on twins.) But then she keeps going. Well, a minute or so later, she comes back from a different area and then asks, "Do you have boy/girl twins?"
"Yes, I do," I say.
"So do I!" says she.

She there we are in the middle of Target comparing notes. Her twins are almost 3 months old. Cute as could be too. (And I didn't have to lie! I hate it when I have to lie about that.) They looked so tiny to me. But they were born just a few days later than the twins at 37wks and both were over 7lbs. (R & J were both about 5.5lbs.) Her husband was with her. She hasn't gone out with just the twins yet. (Also has a 5 year old, so I can't blame her there.)
It was very exciting to meet another twin mom. (She also gets asked if they are ID twins. *shakes head* People amuse me.)
(Yes, I still need to join the local Mothers Of Multiples group.)

Later John asked if I got her name or number.
Nope. Never once thought to.

Again I'm a goof.

Oh, while out at BRU, I 'tested' a slightly different version of the stroller that I got. I didn't realize it when I decided on it, but the height is so perfect for me! (That short issue I have.) I was very excited about this. The Stroller from Hell is a little high, and I never realized it, but the newer (shorter) stroller will be more comfortable to drive I think.

I really hope it doesn't suck. (Should find out tomorrow.)

Also, I'm trying to pin down ideas for the tattoo I'll get this summer in honor of the twins. I won't get names (not even my kids) or anything, so I was thinking something symbolic. The problem here is that symbols for 'twin' or anything like that just comes up with the Gemini symbol. Crap. (I had an idea, but have moved away from it a little.) I'm also thinking of getting it between my shoulder blades instead of the back of my neck. I also think this will be the third to last tattoo I get. I still have my other ankle to do and John and I have one in mind that we'll do. Some combo of Metallica and Buffett lyrics if we ever figure it out. Though that may be the ankle. And that doesn't count the cover-up of the dolphin on my back.
Chuck thinks that on either side of whatever design I get I should put a small circle for Spot and Dot. A lot of people so far have thought this is very funny and I should. I dunno about that.
John is also thinking that once he gets a few things added to his dragon (I still haven't posted it!) and the lyric one, he'll be done. (Hmmm. I still would love to see him get his calfs done. And his back. I love [good] back pieces.)

I wonder what Jason and Reagan will think of having parents with tattoos. Especially my wrists. They are often overlooked and missed, but are in a very 'seen' area. I don't cover them and am proud of them. They both mean a lot to me. But I wonder with the way our generation is with ink and such, if their generation will think it's silly and stupid.

Anyway, I think I'm off for my nightly bowl of Lucky Charms.


Sunday, May 4, 2008

Mommy Urban Legends

I really need to call and schedule an appointment for my back. It's getting pretty bad. Twice now, I've woken up in bed and not been able to move from the pain. Like it's seizing up or something. I have to move very slowly to work it out.
I should probably stop toting two 13lb+ babies up the stairs at the same time too.

And carrying them out to the car at the same time. (In their carriers...)

It's just so much easier and quicker, ya know?
I found a different handmade diaper bag on Ebay that I really like. It's big and has a ton of pockets, but the best thing is that it has stroller straps too. (Can be attached to the handle of a stroller.) The down side is that it's very pricey. But there is a cheaper one she makes and I may email her and ask if she'll add the stroller straps to that for an additional fee. Can't hurt to ask. The second down side to using her is that I don't just love any of her fabric choices.
I'm a solid, plain fabric person. I prefer most things in black (easy to match) and without a lot of flare. She doesn't have any solid fabrics.
I haven't found any of the handmade bags that do.
I'm beginning to think of the perfect diaper bag in the same boat as the perfect stroller- Urban Legend. Simply does not exist.
But I also know that the very small tote that I've been using isn't going to work much longer. (It holds 2 diapers, a small thing of wipes, a burp cloth, Jay's puppy, and Rea's bunny. If we need bottles the puppy and bunny have to ride in the car seats. And only 2 bottles fit. And it's a very tight fit. It's okay (barely) for a quick run somewhere but becoming just impractical.

And I really want a bag that can double as my purse so I don't have to carry yet another bag. This means I need outside pockets for my cell phone and keys and some sort inner pocket that's easy to access for my wallet/cards.

I don't like bags that LOOK like diaper bags. Absolutely no cutesy crap. No characters. I've looked at all the usual best sellers- Diaper Dude, Skip Hop, Carter's. No luck. And I don't like messenger bags. So many of the more trendy styles are messenger bags. Or backpacks. I don't like backpacks either.

And I don't like super pricey crap because I'm cheap. (I love it when Today or The View or any talk show displays the top [insert item here] and they say it's a bargain or something and then they tell it's a pair of jean for ONLY $200. What?! Are you f*ing kidding me? My Levi's are $30 from Kohl's. Thanks. This happened with a diaper bag on The View when Elizabeth was pregnant and I was in the hospital. I looked at them later on the website. $400. FOR A DIAPER BAG. These people are nuts.)

It's a Urban Legend, the perfect diaper bag. I just hope to find something I can live with. Which is pretty much how I feel about the perfect stroller. I'm so excited about the Combi coming Tuesday (yay!) but I also know that it's not 100% what I'm looking for.

This morning I had my first up-the-back-and-in-the-jammies poop experience. It was Jay. And let me say, what a boy. We were playing in the living room. He was smiling and laughing without a care in the world. Then I smelled him. The bark on trees would've peeled away had we been outside. He did not care. Not one little bit. Rea would have gone crazy. I mean, poke the lip out and get seriously offended that she had poop on her.

Even while changing him, he just did not care. He was just so happy to be playing and talking to me. Rea cries until the new diaper is in place and she's had a hug to recover. (Granted for girsl there are places it can get squished into so I understand. I'd probably cry too!)

In other baby news, Jay has a new soother. (Let the angels sings!) He's never taken a paci. There have been so many times that I've wanted him to, but he hates them. But in the past week or so I noticed that he really likes to chew/suck on whatever cloth is near him. So I've let him go to sleep with either a (clean) burp rag or washcloth and he's sleeping even better. (Quit waking at 3am.) I usually find him with a corner in his mouth or at least the cloth in his hand.
Hey, whatever works.

I'm also on the quest for an overnight diaper that does not leak. I'm so sick of washing their Miracle blankets and sheets every single day. They wake up and are both just soaked. I've tried a size bigger in the Pampers (but haven't tried the Baby Dry yet) and I've tried the Huggies (not the Overnights yet because I haven't found them in a small enough size) and I've tried Luvs. It's been suggested that we try a size bigger, so right now we are using size 3 (they are in a 2) Luvs and last night was just horrible.

Another Mommy Urban Legend? Diapers that don't leak overnight. Yep.

This turned into one huge Mommy Mess! Oh well. Such is life these days. (And I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.)

I really love that they smile and laugh so much. I love to see and hear them. I love it when it's because of something I did or said.

Being a mom rocks.


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Harder Stuff

The 5 pints made everything better for a bit, but then today happened and I think both John and I are in agreement. We're breaking out the hard stuff tonight. (Well, okay, the only 'hard' stuff we have is wine, but it'll do!)

I had to wake up super early (for us anyway) and run all around town looking for a box to fit a bouncer I sold on Ebay. I thought I still had the box it came in. My fault for not double checking before today. Anyway, I ended up going to the UPS Store for a box after 2 hours of looking. I was not in a good mood after that.

The I get home and learn that the water heater in the condo is leaking. Who tells us? Ro, the condo association guy. Why didn't our tenant tell us? Because he didn't realize it. *headdesk* There is water in the hallway that we now have to pay to have cleaned. Oh and then we have to replace the water heater.

Terry our property manager guy says his plumber can be out tomorrow to the tune of $900.

Ouch we say. I decide to call Lowe's. Surely they are cheaper.

And they are! By almost half. We could have it installed and everything for around $500. BUT! The catch is that Terry or Dumb Tenant have to go to the store and sign the contract for the installation tonight. This sounds like a clusterfuck waiting to happen, but okay. But then they say that before they can install they have to come do an inspection. And they'll call within 48 hours to set that up. Um no. Didn't you hear WATER LEAKING?

Alrighty then. So I decide to call Sears. Turns out to be a little cheaper than Lowe's. I call the first time and learn, "No problem! We can probably have someone out there tomorrow. I just need to know the dimensions of the water heater."
Crap. I have gallon size but not actual size. So I call John who calls Ro. He doesn't know. So then John calls Terry to call Tenant to see if he'll measure real quick. Okay done.
Call Sears. "Okay, no problem. To start with, what the voltage?"
Call John who calls Terry who calls Tenant.
Okay got it. Call sears.
"What are those dimensions." (Yay I know that one!) "Oh, we don't keep that size in stock. We'll have to order it. It'll be 5-7 days."


I give up. I GIVE UP. John calls Terry who calls his plumber.

That'll be $950.
Thank God our tax refund hit last week. Seriously.

And let me say, this will be the last time I ever own a rental property. NOT WORTH IT!!!!! It's such a pain in the ass. I'm so sick of it and I can't wait to sell the damn place.

My kids are in size 2 diapers. Crazy. (Actually they sleep in size 3 so they don't leak.)
I have what I think may be some really great pictures from tonight. I'll have to unload the camera and see. (Not tonight.)

So I think I'm going to settle in with some Chunky Monkey and wine. That's not wrong is it?!
