Sunday, September 14, 2008

Cooper Young

Yesterday started out a bit rocky (see previous entry) but ended up really good.

Midtown is the 'artsy' area of the city and that's where Kourtney and Kristen live. Well, every year there's an arts festival in the area called the Cooper/Young Festival. There's a marathon one day and the next day they close all the streets and have vendors and food. We decided it'd be fun to go, so after their first nap I loaded the kids up and off we went.

They did get pretty fussy after about half an hour. It was nap time and they had to nap in the stroller which is always touch and go. I pulled the sun canopy down over them to shield them from light and their view. (If J can see anything remotely interesting, he will not sleep.) He cried and pitched a fit for a bit, but he finally fell asleep. We got some vendor food. (Funnel cake! And a gyro! I drew the line at fish-on-a-stick.) We walked around and I bought Rea the cutest effing tutu!!! Only $15 too. I'll take pictures.

I also scored on some homemade incense. 100 sticks for $5. Kourtney got a different scent and so now I have 50 sticks of one scent and 50 of the other.

We walked around a little longer and decided to walk back to their house. (They live right in the area where the festival was. There were tents and such set up right in front of their house.) The weather was great so we decided to put a blanket on the grass out front and let the babies play. They loved it too.

They smelled pot for the first time. (Thanks to the neighbors.)

They did much better than I thought they would. J did bleed from his mouth though. He was chewing on a burp rag (he loves chewing on cloth) and I looked down at it and it was slightly bloody. I can't feel any more teeth though. I don't know what's going on with that more kid's mouth.

Of course, I forgot my camera. I did get a video on my phone, so if I figure out how to get it off, I'll share it. (The sound is bad though because it was very windy.)


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