Monday, August 25, 2008

Duct Tape Anyone?

I knew it would happen. I knew it was part of this grand thing called motherhood. I just hoped it would be a little longer before it happened to me.

I put the kids down for the first nap and both went to sleep. I heard them start to chatter and play about an hour later, but I just left them upstairs since they were happy. (And I was hoping they'd fall back to sleep and nap a little longer!)

Well, John left for work and I went upstairs to get them. By this point they were starting to get a little louder. I walked in the room and turned the light on. As I got further in the room I smelled poop.

So I asked, "Who has a poopy diaper?" as I walked to open the blinds.

Then I saw her. And it.

My darling little girl, the one who screamed the first time I let them play in sand, was covered in poop. No, really, she was. It was all over her face, hands, feet, behind her ears for crying out loud. It was all over her sheets and the railing to crib. (After all she was laughing and having a grand time as she's learned to pull up on her knees and "dance.") It was all over her lovey. Oh, her diaper was still hanging on by one tab.

I just stood there for a full minute as both babies were just babbling to me. I honestly didn't know where to start. I finally got some of my senses back together and went downstairs and pulled the co-sleeper in the living room and put in a Baby Einstein DVD. Went back to get Jason and stuck in him the co-sleeper. I set up the tub in the sink (we're still doing the infant-tub-in-the-sink routine) and got some towels ready.

Went back upstairs and carefully removed the diaper (still had some poop left in it!) and threw that away.Now, some might judge, but I picked her under her arms and carried her just like that down the to tub. She might be happy to be covered in poop, but not me!I got her cleaned up and put her in the co-sleeper with her brother.

The sheets and blankets and her lovey are now in the washing machine (with Clorox for colors) on hot and an extra rinse. I still plan to wash them again with the rest of the dirty clothes when this cycle is done. I have no doubt they were in this together.

They are conspiring against their mommy!
And I know I washed her twice, but I swear one of her ears still smells like poop.


Saturday, August 23, 2008


I need a drink.
Or ten.
(Or some Ben & Jerry's.)

It all started last night. I put the kids down and about an hour later Rea woke up fussing. She's had this one tooth that's really been bothering her and yesterday I could tell it was going to pop through at any time. So I went upstairs to get her so I could do Orajel.

Well, when I got upstairs I noticed that she had snot just running from her nose. And I could hear the congestion. So I used the snot sucker (technical term) and some saline drops.
Well, she hates that so after I had to cuddle and calm her down. Put her back upstairs and about thirty minutes later, more fussing and crying. So that time I did use the Orajel and threw some Tylenol in too. Put her back upstairs.

That time she was quiet for almost 2 hours. At that point we set the co-sleeper up in our room and elevated the mattress. But we were up and down with her all freakin' night.

And then today they did not nap well at all. I think there was a combined total of about 45 minutes of napping all day. It's been miserable. J hates to share me. If Rea crawls in my lap, then J has to come on over too. It's really frustrating. And I've spent most of the day chasing Rea with the snot sucker. Poor thing even had a snot bubble startle her it was so big.

Right now they've been down for about 45 minutes. I ended up setting one of the swings back up for Rea to sleep in tonight. I figure that the best way to keep her elevated and I thought the swing might soothe a little too. I don't know. I grasping for straws now.

If I don't sleep tonight, I'm afraid I just may have to sell her to the gypsies tomorrow.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Times

Well, today we took J to the doctor for something other than a well baby visit. We had our first maybe-one-of-our-kids-is-sick-visit.

He's just been acting a little off the past few days. Very cranky and spitting up a little more than normal. And he's been laying his head down and tugging on his ears. Well, my mommy brain knows that usually signifies one of two things- ear infection or teething.

So I called our nurses line and got him in for this afternoon. The nurse said to go ahead and get him just in case it was an infection.

So we did. And he's good to go! No ear infection.

They weighed him and he was 17something. (I didn't catch it because I was playing with Reagan and John doesn't remember.) Rea (they weighed her too just because) was right around 18lbs. I just hope they didn't catch anything by going to the doctor. I've never had to wait in a waiting room with other kids in there before. We didn't go to our normal peds office. Dr. Bubba didn't have any openings today or tomorrow, so we went to another office with another doctor in the practice. But I really liked her too (I've liked all the ones I've met) and liked the nurse. They go for their 9 month well baby in a few weeks so we'll have weights again soon. Yay. I liked getting them weighed.

I went to the main campus of the CC to get a textbook I needed and my satellite campus didn't have. It rained the entire way there. Blarg.But I logged online last night and all my classes are finally showing up.

I have my first assignment in statistics already. The first lesson is to introduce ourselves and form groups. I didn't want to be the first to go, especially since online classes don't even start until next week, so I haven't done that yet. I'll probably go ahead and do it tonight or tomorrow though. (I have read the first chapter.)

I'm really getting excited about school. I'm nervous about statistics though. I'm not very good at math and I'm second-guessing if I should be doing this online. I think I'll get through though. They do have a math lab on campus I can go to for help and John's already said he'd read the book along with me to help.

Have I mentioned that I'm excited? I am. (YAY!)


Monday, August 18, 2008

I'll Eat You

No. Really.

I'm PMSing something crazy. I've done nothing but eat today. M&Ms and potato chips. Pickles. Pop-tarts. I feel like a whale and no wonder with this massive you're-about-to-bleed-for-days appetite!

The babies are not napping right now. I went up a minute ago and put both back on their tummies, covered them up and walked out.

Well, I might as well have stabbed Jason in the eye. He's screaming like some demon child.

I know I'm not hungry. But I really want some more M&Ms. This must stop!

Tomorrow Comcast is coming to install our new cable phone line and internet. AT&T can bite my ass. Well, at least for those two things. I'll save almost $60/month by switching. We'll still have our cell phones through them though. Until March or April. I'll shop around and see where we'll get the best deal then. (And stay with them if they really are cheapest.)

I'm so ready for John to be off tomorrow. I want to crawl in a hole and stay for a few hours. (With a lot of food.)


Sunday, August 17, 2008

New Category

It feel really nice outside right now. I'd love to believe that fall is just around the corner and we'll have decent weather for a little while. But I'm sure it'll go back up to 90s again any day now.

The kids. They are getting so big. I got sad because I was looking at clothes online and realized that they aren't in the Newborn 0-9 month category anymore. They are in the Infant/Toddle 12m-24m category. What happened to my very teeny tiny babies?(Actually they are wearing 6-9mth right now, but I won't get to buy in the newborn category anymore.)

Jason is such my boy. I love him so. He's everywhere. And he loves for me to come after him. He'll crawl away, stop, turn and look at me. Then he laughs and crawls faster. I'm really in for it when he learns to run. Last night I said to him, "Mommy's still faster!" But I wonder for how much longer! He's trying very hard to figure out how to stand up without holding on to something. And all those raspberries on his belly (that send him into a fit of giggles) as paid off. He now blows them on my arm.
When he gets tired, he'll come crawl in my lap for a minute. Then he'll put his head down. Just for a second, for a quick cuddle. It melts me. His laugh is unbelievable.

And then there's my Reagan. My little princess. Her eyes make me want to squish her all the time. I love her to pieces. She's so happy. I hope every day that she stays that happy forever. She laughs at Daisy. She thinks that dog is the most hilarious thing ever. (And she doesn't even have to be doing anything!) She finally crawling on her hands and knees. And she can pull up to her knees, but then she gets so mad because she can't do anything after that- get up further or get down. She's a tiny little drama queen. And loves to bounce. If I hold her standing in my lap she throws herself back. She loves that. She also loves to be thrown in the air. And hung upside down. And twirled around. She's my daredevil. And she loves to be kissed on her neck. (Help us in 15 years.) That's what sends her in to giggles.

And me. I'm so excited about school. I logged into the Blackboard site. (Where I'll take my online classes.) We don't start for another week, so there's really nothing there. I just wanted to log in. I feel like a kid who wants to play with all the school supplies right before school starts. And I am going to have to dissect a cat. Ugh. That's going to be hard. But I trudge through. The sheep brain won't bother me. (I did that in high school.) But I'm such a cat lover that doing that one will be hard. And I think we'll be doing it for a few weeks. Learning layer by layer as we cut and go through.

I better go. It's almost time to get the kids up. And I need one more cup of coffee.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Tomorrow I have to wake up bright and early to go register for my classes. I got the email from Admissions Guy today that confirmed that they got the electronic file for my official transcripts.

Tomorrow I go sign up for my two classes and probably get books. (And pay them some money. I'm sure they won't let me forget that part!) And then classes start next week.

Am I really doing this?
(I'm getting very excited.)

Yesterday I decided to go on strike. I left John with the babies when they woke up from their first nap. But I couldn't find a decent (used) bookstore so I ended up at Target. I found a small selection of Baby Legs there. I've had a few faves mention and love Baby Legs, and J's knees are all kinds of red, so I bought a pair for each baby. They wore them today and I love them. J's knees were barely even pink tonight when he went to bed. Yay! I'm going to look on Ebay for some good deals on them too. I think they'll be very handy come winter.

I also bought Rea her first set of bows. She has just enough hair to make a twig- tail (it really looks like a twig sticking up) but I think it's cute anyway. Poor thing. I thought I'd have her hair in a ponytail by the time she was six months old, but it's growing so slow now! (But at least she has hair. J barely has more than peach fuzz.)

I had one of those moments today where I just could not believe that they are my children. I wanted to squish them. So I did!

I look at them and know that while I'm putting us in the hole (almost) right now, when I'm done we'll be able to do so much more. I don't care about them having the best and most toys (they won't) but I've always said I want my kids to be well traveled. When I'm done with school we'll be able to go on those travels. That excites me.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Doing It

So in some ways I'm about to make the biggest financial risk of my life.
I'm going back to school.

I have to go to the community college tomorrow and get admitted for this semester. Open registration is Thrusday. I'm going to try and take A&P 1 and Statistics online and then only have to go in for the A&P 1 lab. And I hope to schedule that on a day before John goes to work. That way we can get out of having a sitter this semester. I hope to do the same thing next semester.

Then the actual masters/nursing program starts in July. It's 4 semesters (20 week semesters) and I'll be done. Should graduate in May/June of 2011.

I'm excited and very nervous. I promised John and the babies that I would do my absolute best and not give up. I know it's going to be hard, but I also know it'll be worth it. I'm planning on getting the kids in day care next summer when the program starts. Most of the classes will be online, but I'll have tons of hours to do in clinicals, so I think it'll be best to have them in something. I'm looking for at least a 'Mommy's Day Out' program, but will probably need more than just that. (Clinicals will mostly be Mon-Friday.)

I'm really excited about this. I feel better about myself. Much better than I have in a very long time. Babies are not napping. Must go tend to the screaming demons...


Thursday, August 7, 2008

I Need Advice

So here's the deal.I can't find a job.

My qualifications suck because I wasn't at the casino long enough. (Only a year.) That means I only just very barely qualify for the salary I'd need to cover working expenses and child care. If I were ever even offered a job in the first place....(Of course, I could probably get an entry level job, but those only pay $9-10/hour and that won't work.)

I've been really down in the dumps about it lately and trying to figure out all my options. While doing research on a few ideas, I came across a program. It's a master's in nursing for people who already have an undergraduate degree in something else. It's 22 months long and I'd be able to take the RN exam after the first 16 months.

At first it sounds really great. But there's a catch.

I need to go back to work because we need money. If I go back to school now, we'd likely completely deplete our nest egg or come very close to it anyway. But I'd be making almost (if not) double what I can make now. There's also the issue of the condo. Once we do actually sale the damn thing we'll net between 90-100k.

Now we do have some debt to pay off, but we'd be able to put most back into the nest egg.And, as John pointed out, if I were making that kind of money, we'd have money to put back in every month, plus a little slush.

I'm just scared to do it. We've always been of the mind that we do not touch that money. (Well. Okay. We've been that way since we blew over half in college and right after.)

I need advice. What would you do?


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Little More

And another one!
(This will be the last time I comment on it!)

So, a little background real fast:Kyra (of Chuck & Kyra) has been having blood pressure issues since the beginning of the year. At first they thought it might be her birth control pills, and since it was very high, she had to stop taking them. Well, then she moved and the blood pressure investigating just got pushed aside, but she knew it was still high. At one point when we were visiting in July it was 230/112. I wanted her to go to the ER, but she decided to lay down to see if that helped first. Well, it did help a little. Anyway, the day after we left she did end up going to the ER because it went super high again. They kept her for 3 or 4 days running all sorts of tests. What they found was a cyst on one of her ovaries. They didn't think that was the cause, but knew they had to get it out. (It was softball-sized.) They never really determined what the cause of the HBP was. Fast-forward to yesterday.She had the surgery to remove what they thought was just a cyst. Turns out it was a solid mass and as been sent to pathology to determine what it is/was. Today her blood pressure was 110/65. No blood pressure meds to help with that either. Apparently the mass was sitting on or partially sitting on an artery or something.

The bad news, and the point of the background, is she lost an ovary and tube. I just hope the other ovary is super fertile so there's no problems for them later on. And I hope the mass is nothing serious.

John is having a Boy's Day Out with Kyle. (Of Kyle and Amanda) I think they were going to Hooter's for lunch and then a tattoo shop. Past that I have no idea what they are doing. I would imagine it would involve at least a small amount of alcohol.

Oh and I came out of the religious closet!!! Yay me!!I'm Agnostic. There are, apparently, a few people praying for me and John. *rolls eyes* Well, and the kids. How could an Atheist and Agnostic possibly raise decent, well-behaved children?!It's been really amazing to me to join a group of twin moms who share many of the same views I do. (I discovered a great little forum on my twin site.)

I had the best burrito for lunch. From this new place in town called Qdoba. Mmm. So very yummy. And since it has beans- I deem it healthy!! (Shh...we won't speak of the sour cream or queso sauce...)

Another happy thing- I've found more re-runs of TNG. On Monday nights Sci-Fi plays, I think, 3 hours of TNG. Love it. I actually saw a two-part episode the other night I'd never seen before. I've also taken to watching Voyager on Spike in the afternoons. It's funny to me because I really don't enjoy sci-fi, but I love TNG and Voyager. (I am not a fan of the original series or Deep Space Nine. And have not seen Enterprise to know how I feel about it.)

I hear children starting to wake up from their naps, that's my cue to head upstairs....


Monday, August 4, 2008

Two in a Row

Look at me posting two days in a row!!

I'm trying so hard to get back to writing. I know it'll help straighten out some of these thoughts swirling in my head, but for some reason I just look at the white screen for 5 minutes and then close it. I will not do that today.

I haven't applied for any jobs in the past 3 days. I also haven't been offered any jobs in the last 3 months. I'd like to believe that the right thing will come along and it'll all work out.

Hmmm. We'll see. Nothing to note really. Both kids are upstairs not sleeping right now. I'm tempted to put them to bed early (by and hour and a half) if they don't nap anymore. They get 30 more minutes to try before I go up there. Rea just does not want to sleep right now. Her mind is too busy grasping at all these milestones I guess. It's frustrating. I need nap time just as much as they do. I'll probably resort to using Baby Einstein later just to keep them from melting down.

I am so ready for cooler weather to get here. I'm ready for blue jeans and long sleeve shirts. And hot chocolate. Which reminds me, I've been drinking coffee the past several mornings. I used to not be a coffee drinker, but then I started wanting some. John and I get up an hour before the kids and each have a cup or two of coffee and enjoy the peace and quiet. It's nice.

Kyra (of Chuck and Kyra) had surgery today. She had a massive cyst on one of her ovaries and they had to remove it. That was supposed to happen around 1pm. Haven't heard from Chuck, so I'm assuming everything went well.

(Rea is still up.)

I guess I should at least go check the job boards...


Edited -Definitely having an early bed time tonight. Kids haven't slept since around 5pm and normal bed time isn't until 10pm.Kids are currently playing in their highchairs. I gave up on feeding them when smearing the green beans on each other was more fun that actually eating the green beans. Don't feel like the clean up right now, so in the high chairs they are staying for at least another minute. Maybe two.Carry on...