Sunday, September 21, 2008

From 10 to 1

It's nearly 2am. I've been up working on some school work, but right now just the words standard deviation make my brain twitch. So I stopped.

I stole this from Moo but never did it. So I'm doing it now...

Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People Right Now:
1. I wish you would get help. It's so hard for me to talk to you right now. I just come away aggravated and sad. I miss you in so many ways.
2. Sleeping is not a bad thing. One day you'll realize how amazing sleep is and I'll remind you of these days. Oh, yes I will. And I'll enjoy it.
3. I wish you could just move on already. He's just now decided to actually go through with the divorce. He's the last person you need to jump into a relationship with. Hanging on is only making things worse for you.
4. I'm sorry.
5. Things are not that bad. Remember that. You have the habit of being dramatic over the little things.
6. I think you are hilarious. Your stories have almost made me pee my pants.
7. Do you remember when you were a bush? *laughs* I remember you telling me that story. I still chuckle. The same about the comforter.
8. Thank you for my kids.
9. You have not changed at all. And I think that's a little sad. It's past time to grow up.
10. I love you. Always.

Nine Things About Myself:
1. I'm left handed when writing and eating. With most everything else I'm right handed. But I can bat either way.
2. I'm only 5ft.
3. I love the feel of damp hair on my back.
4. I love the smell of winter and my favorite winter day is a cold, rainy one.
5. I slept with one of John's shirts the entire time (or most of the time?) I was in the hospital last year. If I was having a bad day or was missing him a lot, I'd just lay there and sniff it.
6. I love to read.
7. I eat ice all the time. I love it. Sonic ice is the best. It's small and just perfect for eating.
8. I can't stand to sleep when facing someone. It's really the nose air that gets me. Ugh. It's just gross.
9. I daydream a lot.

Eight Ways to Win My Heart:
1. Embrace my insecurities.
2. Be aggressive. I can't stand wimps.
3. Let me see your inner bad-boy. I'm a sucker for those.
4. Hold my hand for no reason.
5. Let me hog the hot water when we shower together.
6. Remember the little things I do or say, and let me know you remember.
7. Tell me you love me.
8. Take the kids for a day.

Seven Things That Cross My Mind A Lot:
1. What school work is due and when?
2. When is nap time?
3. What do I need at the store?
4. I want to take a vacation.
5. Is Jay going to walk today?
6. I need a new book.
7. John

Six Things I Do Before I Fall Asleep:
1. Check on the kids and cover them up. Again.
2. Brush my hair.
3. Brush my teeth.
4. Take Daisy out.
5. Kiss John good-night.
6. Take off my pj shorts/pants. (Can't stand to sleep in anything but a shirt.)

Five People Who Mean A Lot:
1. John
2. Rea
3. Jay
4. Mom
5. Daddy

Four Things I'm Wearing Right Now:
1. PJ pants
2. t-shirt
3. underwear
4. .......

Three Songs That I Listen to Often (Currently):
1. Reckless- Papa Roach
2. Believe- Staind
3. The Day That Never Comes- Metallica

Two Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Be married to John for 50+ years.
2. Visit every state.

One Confession:
1. I can be a very judgemental person. I hate that about myself.

And now I'm going to snuggle up to John and go to bed.
And to quote Jimmy, "Math Suks."


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