Monday, June 9, 2008

Play It Out?

It's raining like mad outside right now. But it sounds really peaceful.

My newest parenting dilemma (because apparently I can't write about anything else) is how do you CIO when they aren't crying?!
Do they cry for naps? No, not at all. They just sit up there and play. Yep. Rea plays with her hands and paci, talks to her hands and the ceiling fan, looks out the window. But does not sleep.
What's J doing? He's up on all fours rocking back and forth. (Still not quite crawling.) He's playing with the swaddle blanket that he's wormed out of. (I know.) He's playing with and talking to his puppy. But he's not sleeping.

Then nap time is over. And I get to bring two overtired, cranky babies downstairs.

The up side to this is that they were both asleep before I even read to them tonight.

Tomorrow is their 6 month check-up. I need to look-up and see what vacs they are getting. I don't remember. Maybe they'll sleep tomorrow? (One can hope.)

We are currently trying to work out a time line of when we can get down to the coast. I miss my Chuck. And John's uncle and aunt have never seen the babies, so we need to bring them over there. (His only living relatives. He lived with them for high school.) We were hoping to go at the end of the month, but it's looking more like July at this point.

Talked a little to Mom tonight. She's seemed to have a hard time saying a few words. I don't know if it was just her being tired and tongue-tied (happens to me sometimes) or if it's just her mind. No new developments on that. I hate thinking of it.

Well, this is short, but I think I'm going to veg on the couch with an old episode of Friends and eat a bowl of Lucky Charms.


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