Monday, June 30, 2008

iPhone vs iPod

Okay, so a few asked why I'd want both. Well, I knew the iPhone would hold songs, but I didn't think it was that many. The iPod I have now holds (I think) 7000 songs. Can the iPhone hold that many? If that were the case, then I'd only get one. If I choose between the two, I'd go with the iPod? I don't use a cell all that much. But then if does hold the same amount of songs, why not get a two for one, right? I'm usually not tech-dumb. That's John's department. I've just way out of the loop since the hospital stay and kids.

This is the Trojan thing. Haven't used it, just read about it. Sounds interesting!

The kids are doing great. Seriously, I have no idea why I've been so afraid to break them out of their routine. They seem to be adjusting just fine. It was so stinkin' cute this morning. They woke up around 10:30am and since they aren't used to sleeping together anymore, I could almost hear J's thought process. It went something like this: "Hey! There's my Silly! What's she doing here? Ooooohh! She has a paci! I want it." At this time he crawled across the little baby barrier I'd tried to put between them and yanked her paci out of the mouth and then proceeded to 'talk' to her and laugh. She woke up, saw her brother. I imagine she thought/said to him, "Hey! It's my Froggie! Yay!!"They then babbled and played together until I finally 'got them up' at 11am. Silly kids.

It's so amazing to see them interacting now though. I love it! They smile, coo, laugh, and talk to each other all the time now. I love those stinkin' kids. (And J really does stink. He pooped himself, but is sleeping, so he won't get changed until they wake from their nap.)

Off to DVR more things just because I can!!! (And I'm not going back to see about typos. Sorry.)


Sunday, June 29, 2008


The house got too hot for us today so the babies and I drove down to my parents house.

I was a little weary of coming, mostly because I think my mom will drive me batty in the few days we'll be here, but John pointed out that I (and the babies) should spend as much time with her as possible. He said he doesn't want me to feel the guilt he does. He's right. I know that.

But she's still driving me apeshit.

The kids are doing great though. I've been very afraid to change their routine, but this is the second over night trip and they are sleeping beautifully in the co-sleeper. (I have it set up as a pack-n-play really. Or a play pin.)

It feels good to be in a house with AC.

So our rental manager guy spoke to our tenant and he (the tenant) agreed to month to month while we have the condo listed. Yay! Now our manager guy is going to list it. (Anyone want a GREAT condo in Metairie? One bedroom, one bath. Great for a single person or young couple!)

The casino lady never called me back. But I know that's a good thing because I really didn't want the job. Especially after they demonstrated their level of professionalism. Boo on the them though.

My parents have DVR. I love it. I've been here for 8 hours (roughly) and have recorded 3 hours of tv for me to catch up on tomorrow. I drool over the DVR. (And parents don't even use it. They always forget they have it and I remind them. How sad.)When (if) the condo sells, I'm getting an iPhone and the new iPod. John will get my current iPod.

I really have nowhere to go with this. I think I'll go eat some cookies and watch tv.
They don't have the spell checker I like. Oh well. Happy reading! Ha!


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Playing Catch Up

It's been a few days since I've updated.
I last stopped at my broken toe. (Still hurts a little, btw.)

Nothing much happened on Thursday. Karla (casino lady that I was waiting on to call me back) finally called around 11am that morning. She scheduled a second interview for Friday morning. I hobbled around on my pitiful toe and complained about it.

I had to be at the second interview at 11:30am so I left here around 10:30, but before the kids woke up. I'd gone back and forth on what shoes I was going to wear. None of my dress shoes would comfortably fit a broken toe and I gave serious consideration to wearing flip flops to the interview and just explaining the situation. (I was pretty pissed at these folks anyway.) But my professionalism won out and I squeezed my pitiful broken toe in my cute pointy heels. I wore the flops while driving and figured that I'd just park close the elevators and there would be little walking involved and that the interview would be rather quick.
Yeah right.
Well, first I was kept waiting for a long time. (I hate this. I know shit happens, but I think that's my biggest pet peeve during any interview process.)
Karla finally comes to meet me and then we walk up to the director's office. Where we wait some more. (At least 30 minutes.) We mostly chit chat about this and that. We talk a little about my previous experience and whatnot and then there's a lot of dead silence. (Fun.)
The director finally comes in. She asks me two questions and that's it. And the last question she argued with me over my answer. It had to do with customer service and the Mobil star ratings and standards for the different stars. I worked at 3 star property while the company was going for the forth star. I know what they are and I know the process. Was it bad that I stood my ground? Probably. But I knew what I was talking about and was so aggravated with the entire situation that I really didn't care if it made her look like a dumb ass. Karla says they will call this week. (It's Wednesday night and no call. Surprising? No. Do I think I got it even after I was told I was the lead candidate? No. Do I care? No. Mostly.)
Came home and my mom and dad were here and visiting. That was fun.
We went to eat at Cracker Barrel and it was so yummy!

A friend of mine from high school (we were best friends) Tabatha, was having her son's first birthday party and invited me. She hadn't seen the twins yet so even though it would mean a 2 hour drive, I decided at the last minute to go. I rush around and pack the kids up and off we go. They actually did amazing the entire time. I don't think there was any crying. (If there was, it was minimal.)
I get to her house (and didn't get lost!) and there's only one car in the driveway. I'm slightly confused my this. So I knock on the door and her dad answers. I ask where everyone is. He says, "Gina, the party is tomorrow."
*face palm*
Tabatha is throwing her grand opening party for Mary Kay. Lovely. Well, I stick around to at least her, her mother, and her sister get back. I was not going to just turn around and go back home. So I hung out with Bill (the dad) and her son and stepson for a little bit. The girls get home and everyone has a nice laugh at my goof. It's decided by her family mostly that I have to stay and just spend the night. So Tab and I go to Walmart and I get undies and a toothbrush and formula and we stay the night.
There is much catching up and conversation. I had a really good time. The babies did AMAZING. Tab got her pack-n-play out and they slept in there. They really did great.

We all wake up (much earlier than normal for me and the babies) and get ready for the party. People come over and we all party. Noah (the birthday boy) eats cake and then plays with his new toys. I leave. I end up stopping three times in the first hour because I think there might be too much sun on the kids and am trying to get those stupid sunshades to stay up. I finally give up and cover them with light blankets.
Then I got pulled over.
For the first time EVER.
The state trooper was a major dick and was not nice in the very least. I'd never been pulled over and never had a ticket. I thought I gave him what he needed. Well, he didn't ask for my registration so he practically threw it back and barks out at me, "Well, I didn't ask for that!" Excuse the f* out of me dude. I'm just trying to be helpful!
Then I had a question about where to mail the payment to. He bit my head off again. Jackass. (I was going 81 in a 70. Bad yes. I've always been a speeder. I'm now befriending my cruise control.)

The babies and I spent the day relaxing and not doing a darn thing. We were all very tired.

John was off work. While the babies napped we did yard work. Our weed eater is too short for John so until we get a new one he wants me to weed eat. So I tried that. It sucks. I hate yard work to begin with, but this is like using a jackhammer or something. And apparently I suck at it because John said I missed a 20ft section of fence. Whatever. Didn't look that bad to me.

Wednesday (Today)
John was off again. We went to Babies R Us to price convertible car seats. My parents want to buy them for us (yay!) and wanted an amount. I thought it would be nice to have them for our trip to the coast in a few weeks (we decided on that) so hopefully they'll mail us a check in the next day or two and we can get those and get the kids used to them. They seem so much more comfy than the infant seats. Lots of padding. (If anyone's interested, we decided to go with the Evenflo Triumph. It's got a higher length/weight limit, but isn't $300. Not sure which Triumph yet, but one of the three.)
We had amazing sex.
Then we had dinner and just hung out.
John's now listening to music and I'm hanging out online.

So we decided to go to the coast and are leaving July 8. I'm so excited. I'm ready to see Chuck and see Biloxi. We're also going to New Orleans and spending an entire day and evening there. We need to go by the cemetery and get some letters fixed on Vic's (MIL) headstone thing. (Is it headstone in a mausoleum?) Some got washed away during the hurricane and we haven't fixed it yet.

There are two days left in the week. We'll see if Karla does call me back or not. At this point I almost hope I'm not home when she does. I don't know if I want to talk to her. (Especially if it's a Thanks-But-No-Thanks call.)Back to the job hunt.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

This Little Piggy is Broken

Last night we decided to watch a movie.

In the process of sitting down and getting situated with our various movie junk food, I was walking back to the couch and kicked the coffee table leg straight on.

I am now 90% sure that my next to last toe is broken. It hurts like hell.

And today it's turned all sorts of lovely colors. The underneath part is black. The side more purple and the top a combination of blue, purple, and black. Lovely.

It hurts.

A lot.

I think when the kids wake up from their nap we're going to Walmart and I'll get some tape so I can at least tape it to the next toe. I may also call the nurses line for our insurance just to see if there's anything else I should do besides tape and ice.

Did I mention it hurts?!


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

If the Phone Doesn't Ring

Well, I'm officially pissed off.

Ya know the job that I was 'lead candidate' for? The one that was basically offered to me so long as I could figure out the childcare end of it? I had a week to do so. They called a week ago today. I called them yesterday with the answer that we were able to work the child care end of it out so I could accept the position. Well, she rushed off the phone and said she had to be in a meeting and would get out at 5pm (I called around 2pm) and she'd call me then. That was yesterday. I called her back at 10am this morning. Got her voicemail. Called her back at 4pm. Voicemail again.

I'm done.

I can not express how unprofessional this is. If they went ahead and filled the position then that's shitty on 2 levels. A- They gave me a week to see if I could work it out, so if they filled it they really screwed me over. B- They should have the balls to tell me they screwed me over.

I'm pissed because I've gone 'round and 'round with a few nannies. I paid for a subscription to a nanny site. And I'm just pissed. There's another assistant hotel manager job posted at another location, so I'm applying for that in just a bit. I'm so friggin aggravated.

And I think the thing that really burns my ass is that we'd planned to skip down the coast next week before I had to start work. I was going to get a tattoo and be 'home' and I couldn't wait to go. Now we aren't doing that. (Don't really need to spend the money until we know I have a job and what the money will be.)


In other news....My little Frog man crawled today. Not fast and not for long, but he did make it halfway across the living room. (He was going after one of Daisy's toys.) He was so cute. He's still very uncoordinated with it, but he's getting there!

Daisy went to get groomed yesterday. I told them to go as short as they could all over because it's hot as balls here she doesn't do heat very well. They listened to me. Now she looks like a chihuahua. Seriously. I'll have to get pictures.

Now I'm going to see the moon.


Edit:It's now Thursday morning. She just called back around 11am. She wants me to come back for a second interview tomorrow morning. I'm questioning this again though. Like it was pointed out- do I really want to work for someone like this? I don't know. I guess we'll see. If they don't offer it to me (officially) tomorrow then I think I'm just moving on.

Monday, June 16, 2008

2 Strikes

We were supposed to interview our first potential nanny this afternoon. She called fifteen minutes before she was supposed to be here to say that she'd gone out of town this weekend and her flight was delayed. She then went on to say that we could reschedule for later in the week to meet and figure out when she'd start.

Um. No. I don't think so.

My first issue is that while I completely understand travel and plane delays, she only called fifteen minutes before our appointment. That's rude. (And personally, why would she schedule an interview on a travel day like that?!)

My second issue is how she's just assumed that she already had the job. I haven't even met her yet! Is she really that crazy?!
I don't think I'll be rescheduling that interview at all.

Another nanny candidate emailed me last night- in my response email asking when she'd be available this week for an interview- to say that her fiance's mother, who he hasn't seen or heard from in 17 years, suddenly called yesterday and they're going to see her for a few weeks and they were leaving this morning. Does that sound a little too much to anyone else?

So that brings us to our final candidate. She's out of town all this week. She told me up front about this trip, so I knew it. I just hope she doesn't flake out on me too. Now I'm in a very weird position of possibly accepting this job without knowing for sure that I'll find someone suitable for the kids. Yay.I've posted a few new ads on various nanny websites. Hopefully something will pan out.

(Meanwhile, I'm applying for more jobs...)


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ask Again Later

The great nanny search has begun.

I posted an ad on Craigslist and have had a few responses. I'm interviewing a girl (lady?) on Monday. I'm also emailing with a few others. Setting up times to met and whatnot. My fave so far is going out of town for a week so I won't get to met her until after I make the decision to go to work or not. And when I realize how much we'd be paying someone to basically watch the babies sleep, I think we're crazy.

So many mixed feelings.

I wish I had a crystal ball that would give me the answers. Too bad I lost that Magic 8 ball when I was ten. It might come in handy right about now.

In other news, today was rather busy in an un-busy way. We (me and the babes) went to Amanda and Kyle's to help Amanda put some wall stick things up in their guest bedroom. They are in the process of redoing a lot of paint and flooring in their house. We had a lot of fun and the babies enjoyed playing with Kyle once he was home from work. He took J outside and let J touch a lot of different things. J really loved that. (He was most fascinated with brick.) Rea was a little cranky at times, sudden outbursts of crying where only I could calm her. I think she's teething. (But I've been saying that for a long time now.) I gave her some Tylenol. Not sure if it helped or now.

Funny story-While there they napped in Amanda and Kyle's bed. So they went down for a nap and after an hour or so, we hear Rea crying. We go in and there's J, with this big shit-eating grin on his face, with Rea's paci. He had scooted over to her and stole her paci! What a rotten boy he is! We laughed about that all afternoon.

And I'm proud to say that tonight is night #3 of NO SWADDLES. I think I was way more worried about it than I should have been. They were ready. I just didn't realize how ready. Tonight was the first night with some fussing at bedtime. But within 10 minutes they were both sound asleep. (I consider that pretty damn good!)

Mom and Dad are coming to visit tomorrow. (And they are finally bringing Daisy home! I've missed my crazy dog!) Not sure what time. Better call them first thing in the morning. (But they know we don't wake the kids until 11, so it shouldn't be too early.) Sis is pregnant again. She took the test a few days ago. I hope things turn out better for her this time around. But I'm a little concerned with the timing of it and her starting at a new school. (I think she'll be due in Feb.) (She's a high school teacher.)

John just got home. Better run!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

6 Months & A Quandary

The babies went for their 6 month well baby visit today. Here are the latest stats!

Rea- 16lb2oz and 25in
J- 15lb15oz and 26in

Wow! J is closing the weight gap back up but he's really grown a lot in length! He grew 1.5 inches in 2 months! Rea grew an inch too! (She was 24in at 4mths and J was 24.5 at 4mths.)
Dr. Bubba is very pleased with their growth. They continue to pretty hover around the 50th percentiles. Yay! He also said that we can start with the teething biscuits and in a month start with some diary. (Full fat yogurt and we they are eating better, cheese and such.) He said that we can start weaning to full fat milk around 11 months. (He said a lot of babies respond well when over the course of a few weeks or a month slowly changing the bottle from formula to milk.)

He gave me some ideas on clearing up Rea cradle cap. (Ugh. So gross! I got rid of J's with one treatment of the cradle cap stuff in the baby section, but it's not working on Rea!) He did say some scalps are just very stubborn and it takes a long time to clear up.

Rea had the most pitiful cry while getting her shots. So pitiful that me and nurse were like, "Aww..." She just looked at her daddy, poked her lip out and did this hiccupy sniffle cry. So pitiful. (But I'm sure it'll get her places later on with her dad!)

They did great overall.


Now for my quandary.

I was offered the assistant front office manager position. (More or less. She called to see if there was any way I could work with the rotating schedule. She said I was the lead candidate.)

Now it's the question of if we can do this.

I would start out either on start grave shift (10pm-6am) or splits grave/swing (10pm-6am & 2pm-10pm). So that would mean we'd have to find a babysitter/nanny for the kids for at least a few hours between the time I had to leave for work (9pm) until John gets home (usually 1-2am) but that was flexible enough to stay much later if need be. Sometimes, if something big happens, John can't just leave work. (Last night for example. He got home around 8am this morning. Supposed to get off around midnight.) But they had a huge deal that he had to take care of and of course it happened right at the end of his shift.)

On the months I worked day shift it wouldn't be so bad. John and I would be passing each other and not really have time together, but we probably wouldn't need any childcare for those months.

But for the months I worked swing shift, we'd need a full time nanny/sitter.

The money isn't great, but it's better than nothing. (And things are getting really tight.) But I'd also be driving 30-45 minutes- one way- and spending that money on gas. Plus the expense of the nanny/sitter.

I ran a few numbers, some estimates obviously, and it looks like we'll clear about 900$ (give or take a 100$) a month after gas and childcare. On the months were we don't necessarily need a full time nanny/sitter, it would be more.

I really don't want to go back to work, but need to do what's best for my family. (And me in a way.) Having the assistant manager title can (and probably will) open up a lot of opportunities down the road. It would look great on my resume. (And the truth is we can't afford to be a one income family indefinitely.)

I would like to hold off on something 'better' but am scared to pass it up. (Let's face, the economy is in the toilet right now. If I can find another job at all it'll be amazing.)

I'd be back in the hotel business that I ultimately enjoy. (Even if it is in gaming.)

Ugh. The drive! I hate the drive! (And it's like 5 or 10 minutes longer than what I had to drive at the other casino. Blah on driving!)

But the hotel is also working towards a 4 star Mobil rating. Also a Good Thing for the resume. (And I have a little experience with 4 star standards.)

She said to research the sitter/nanny situation to see if it's feasible for me and to get back with her next week.

What to do?

Why can't there just be an easy solution?!


Monday, June 9, 2008

Play It Out?

It's raining like mad outside right now. But it sounds really peaceful.

My newest parenting dilemma (because apparently I can't write about anything else) is how do you CIO when they aren't crying?!
Do they cry for naps? No, not at all. They just sit up there and play. Yep. Rea plays with her hands and paci, talks to her hands and the ceiling fan, looks out the window. But does not sleep.
What's J doing? He's up on all fours rocking back and forth. (Still not quite crawling.) He's playing with the swaddle blanket that he's wormed out of. (I know.) He's playing with and talking to his puppy. But he's not sleeping.

Then nap time is over. And I get to bring two overtired, cranky babies downstairs.

The up side to this is that they were both asleep before I even read to them tonight.

Tomorrow is their 6 month check-up. I need to look-up and see what vacs they are getting. I don't remember. Maybe they'll sleep tomorrow? (One can hope.)

We are currently trying to work out a time line of when we can get down to the coast. I miss my Chuck. And John's uncle and aunt have never seen the babies, so we need to bring them over there. (His only living relatives. He lived with them for high school.) We were hoping to go at the end of the month, but it's looking more like July at this point.

Talked a little to Mom tonight. She's seemed to have a hard time saying a few words. I don't know if it was just her being tired and tongue-tied (happens to me sometimes) or if it's just her mind. No new developments on that. I hate thinking of it.

Well, this is short, but I think I'm going to veg on the couch with an old episode of Friends and eat a bowl of Lucky Charms.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

6am *Edit

It's just after 6am. And I am awake.

Went to bed around 2am. Rea woke up at 4am crying- very unusual for her. Thought it was just a paci issue, but she kept crying. Think it was gas. But either way it woke J up. Who does not go back to sleep on his own. So they were fed, even though I'm 80% sure neither was hungry.

Couldn't go back to sleep. Still can't.

Rea woke up again just a bit ago. Gave her some gas drops and tried rocking her to sleep. My children can't be rocked to sleep. She'd start to drift back off and then her little eyes would pop right back open and just stare at me. I wasn't even making eye contact.

As soon as I laid her back down she was out.

Wish the same were true for myself.

Now it's light outside and I'll have an even harder time going back to sleep. Darn insomnia. Will try to read maybe.

Darn insomnia.


It's now 7:30am. I'm still up.
Does anyone else see the irony in that the kids are finally sleeping much better at night (only waking once) but now I can't seem to sleep?!

I'm about to go get a McDonald's breakfast.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Too Early

It's 7am. I should still be asleep, but I woke up because of Rea and her paci and now can't go back to sleep. (That was an hour ago.)

There are pictures to post, but I'll do that later.

John's two days off this week were great. We got so much done, but still relaxed with each other and the kids. Perfect.

We tried the kids in the baby pool yesterday. (I sat in there with them and John helped from the side.) I thought they would love it because they both love playing in their bath. But they both seemed very unimpressed. Rea was more interested in the birds and trees. J just tried to eat my feet. (I didn't let him.) I think he's teething again because he's trying to chew on everything. And the drool is getting ridiculous. (For both.)

I'm tired but can't fall asleep. We didn't go to bed until a little after 2am. I need to sleep more.

And I ran into a bartender from the casino last night at an ice cream shop. I just remembered that I called her by the wrong name. Crap. Now I feel like an ass. Ugh. Maybe I can blame it on the baby brain?

We got ice cream last night. And now I remember why I don't like this particular place. I love chocolate ice cream with walnuts or pecans. The sign said they have walnuts, but apparently it's not actual walnuts (??) so I opted for pecans. Well the pecans they use are whole and very salted. It was gross. It really just tasted like salted ice cream. But I think it kicked that craving for a little while.

I'm going back to try this sleep thing again....


Take the Cake

just tried the most fabulous ice cream. Actually two of the fabulous of all ice creams..
Take the Cake from Edy's- yellow cake batter flavor ice cream with icing swirled in and sprinkles. YUM.
The other is from Blue Bell and is chocolate covered strawberries. Also very good.

I'm trying to be very good and not eat ice cream for dinner.
(So much for that craving being ruined...)

I still haven't uploaded pictures. So none of those yet.

I'm in a quandary about the work situation. I'll write out a different entry about it though as I need to gather my thoughts. (It involves going back to the casino I worked at and John still does.)

In other work news, I applied for various administrative jobs today. (8 to be exact.) And already one has turned out to bogus. (They cloak themselves very well these days.)

The kids are currently napping.
J is >< this close to crawling. As of right now he is able to creep small distances. But he's getting really frustrated with it. Earlier he was pushing with feet rather than his knees. We'll see. I can't believe he's this close to crawling already!
We have their 6 month appt with Dr. Bubba next Tuesday. For the first time I'm not going loaded with questions. I think I'm finally relaxing a bit and learning to go with the flow.

Ok. Well, I'm going to sample some more of that ice cream!


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Fact and Fiction

I guess I've been avoiding this white space for a few days. I've been in a weird mood and wasn't sure if it was just me being me or what.
So many thoughts running through my head. And they don't always tie into each other so it can be hard to get it all out. I'll try tomorrow though.

I went out Friday night to see Sex & the City with Kourtney and her sister Kristen. It was a little weird because Kristen and I have only see each other once (very briefly) since we decided to have nothing to do with each other. I still have a hard time respecting her.

The movie was good. There was some things that disappointed me, but I figured that going into it. Overall- good.

The night out was nice. It was nice to go out and see a movie in a theater- especially with a packed house. That was a lot of fun.

But it was also a night out with Kourtney. I was left feeling distant. And I don't know if it's me being judgemental (it is a little) or if it's the same song and dance.

I texted Jayne (nurse keeping the twins) after the movie and she said all was fine and to stay out a little later. So we decided to have a drink. We were downtown and I knew we'd end up at one of the bars that Kourtney goes to all the time. She has a major crush (God- she's almost 30 for crying out loud) on this guy that runs 3 or 4 prominent restaurants and bars downtown. She goes to 2 of his bars almost every night after she's get off work. The thing with him is that he's married still. Granted he does not live with his wife and they have filed legal separation, but he is not divorced yet. Besides which, he's told her he's not ready to move on yet. But she hangs around him like a little lost puppy and I find that very sad. I think she could do so much better. But that's Kourtney.

We went to Hoops (bar) for drinks and all was fine. I only took a sip or two from my Martini since I knew I was driving soon. She and Kristen both finished their drinks and we'd decided to leave. I was ready to go get the kids. At this point it was after 10pm and I had to drive 30 minutes to get them and then almost an hour home. We were way off their schedule. Well, literally as I was getting up to leave, Crush walked in. Kourtney the lit another cigarette and ignored me (and Kristen- which was oh so much fun) until she finished that cigarette and realized I was checking the time every 10 seconds.
She says, "Well...I guess we should go." I could tell she really wanted to stay longer, but I said, "Yes. I have to get my kids." And started to leave. (My car was at her apartment- we rode downtown together.)

It irked me that she still pulls the same shit. If she's around a guy she likes, she turns into That Girl. You know the one. Changes the way she talks. Laughs/giggles too much. Flirts outrageously and obnoxiously. And ignores everyone in the room. Girls/women like that just really get under my skin.

And here's where I get more judgemental...
Kourtney had to go into work after the movie. But she had a drink before going to work. I don't know. That seems wrong to me. Irresponsible or something. I was raised that you don't do that sort of thing.
Another thing is Crush did 2 shots in the span of 5 minutes- while he was working.
How is this okay?! Just because one the restaurants you run (not own) has a bar upstairs, you get to drink on the clock? WTF?!

And she says she doesn't drink too much, that she only goes out for a drink or two. But she does it 3-5 times a week. To me that is a lot.

All night she compared herself to Carrie. I wanted to shout to her that Carrie is not real. Crush isn't going to suddenly come rushing to her side and proclaim his undying love for her. She lives in a fantasy and it annoys me.

And that's the root of it all...she lives in a fantasy. And I want her to wake up.

Crush did seem like a nice guy. But I'd also like to see Kourtney grow a pair and act like an adult- not a lovesick 13 year old girl.
She claims to be this aggressive go-getter, and maybe part of her is, but when men are around she just turns into an annoying wet-wipe.
(And she's read He's Just Not That Into You! And she's seen How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days!)

It's these times when I wonder why I'm trying so hard for this friendship. It just seems like we have nothing in common. And it really isn't fair to her that I get so judgemental with her sometimes.

I'm just in a mood. And her fantasy world always gets on my nerves when I'm stressed.


The kids did great with Jayne. Her husband doesn't have kids, but loves babies, so he had a blast. Jayne said he took Jason out on the balcony and it was just the boys outside. Jason loved looking around outside she said. Jayne's daughter had her wisdom teeth out earlier in the day, so Jayne and Rea stayed inside and took care of her. And apparently Jason loved it when all the girls (some of the daughter's friends stopped by) talked to him. Apparently he was laughing and smiling at all the pretty girls.
Great. *laughs*

We've had a handful of 12 hour nights. Then last night they woke up once. But we're getting there and that makes me happy. The next step is taking them out of the swaddles. I'm going to wait and do that next week after I get some sleep sacks. I hope that will help them transition. Really J is fine without the swaddle. He comes out of it mostly before he's even asleep, but it keeps his legs warmer so I still use them.


I've been very clingy to John the past few days. (After I complain about Kourtney...) I've needed a few extra kisses before he leaves for work and a few more cuddles in bed. I love him so much. The twins have been really hard on our relationship and there were a few times when I wondered if we'd make it to the other side together. Now I feel silly for ever doubting. He's my soul-mate and I love him more than words could ever say. And I know he loves me the same.

But we need to get on the sex. It's been infrequent since the kids were born. Partly because we have babies and that always makes it harder, and partly because all that time apart has made sex more painful for me. But we've worked most of the kinks out now, so we need to get more regular.


Amanda (of Kyle & Amanda) didn't ovulate on her first round of Clomid. She's also taking Metformin. I really thought it would work for her. (Why? It didn't for me!) I hate to see a friend going through this. And you'd think I'd be better at the comfort part, but I find myself at a loss for words. I just want to gather her up and make it better.

I also wanted her to get pregnant with twins on the Clomid. (Okay. I still want her to have twins- Clomid or not!)

Infertility Sucks!!!


I miss being pregnant.


I need to find a job soon.

But for now I'm going to go sit on my ass and wait for John to get home. (And then jump him...)
